Vltava Asistence 2010 update

This week I’d like to write about the people around me. Ever since I started telling people about this project the reaction has been fantastic with many immediately trying to think about what they can do to help. Thanks to these people the project is moving along at a nice pace. I wanted to mention names here, but now I think about it there would be too many people write down so I’ll simply say “THANK YOU” to all – you know who you are:-).

Because of these people I already have Nutrend as a sponsor, promised contributions from KPMG, ČSOB, Develor Slovakia and others in the pipeline. We’re talking to some more companies at the moment about full sponsorship and hopefully I’ll have more news on that soon. In addition to all that, several magazines want to do interviews closer to the event, which will be great in raising awareness.

The website was launched earlier this week and everyone so far says they like it. The Facebook group is also getting a lot of interest already so that‘s really pleasing.

Have a good week!



Autor: Paul Whitaker | sobota 27.3.2010 8:00 | karma článku: 0 | přečteno: 622x