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The dirty war of “the Sultan”

Every terrorist group in the world leaves a unique set of fingerprints. Those 32 youngsters who came there seeking love and friendship between nations was in the interest of no one . They had to die

Ever since 2011, Turkey is in commencement with peace talks with the PKK, which is on their list of terrorist groups.

It has begun in Oslo, Norway. We can imagine who would force Turkey into these dealings, who ushered Norway to be “remembered” as a peaceful country.

These talks were being intentionally interrupted byTurkey every time before elections. Always with the same substantial reason - sometimes professional, sometimes nearly amateurish fabricated clashes of the Turkish army with the PKK!

This scenario isn’t the product of a deja vu but several times repeated, for critic’s even boring script. Turkey has always resumed the dealings after elections (in the interest of their economy).  The Kurds, being familiar with these events have begun to dream of peaceful coexistence with Ankara.

Even in the first half of this year, both parties have met inDolmabahçe - a historicand for Turkey a place of high significance. There, they announced in front of TV cameras that they reached a consensus and planned for a lasting peace in Turkey. The Turkish government was so meticulous that they have arranged special talking order - 3 Kurds and 3 government officials were always performing together. The Kurds and the Turks were amazed that the 30 years lasting war was coming to an end.  Furthermore, the Kurdish party initiated preparations for elections for the first time ever. However, Erdogan’s party believed that they wouldn’t pass the antidemocratic 10% bar. That Erdogan is going to have the absolute majority and that he’s going to pass the new constitution allowing him almost the same power as Sultan’s. Erdogan hasn’t concealed his intentions and they organised several rallies in a few cities where he flew with state’s plane and he appeared practically as a president and led the campaigns which is a violation of the constitution. 

A few weeks before elections it seemed that the Kurds will pass the limit, therefore Erdogan was pleading for ultra nationalist votes and claimed that he will not deal with the Kurds. But it didn’t work. Ultra-nationalists have gained some of his votes instead. So the Kurds got into parliament with 13,5% and ultra-nationalists also with 16%. This could have brought much needed democratization but brought hell instead. A group of students who wanted to help the Kurds with rebuilding Kobane and try to secure a friendship between the Turks and the Kurds. A wanted terrorist crossed a Syrian border and planted a bomb on the bus. 32 of them died and others were seriously injured. Isn’t this terrorist attack worthy of a punishment?

Two days later, there were two policemen shot dead in the same town. It was a surprise for all when some obscure group which claimed to be affiliated with the PKK admitted to doing it. Every terrorist group leaves a specific set of traces. Even from the beginning I have had my doubts and thought it was a professional group with a pretty obvious employer.

The personalist structure, education of the PKK fighters doesn’t allow them to follow policemen for two days, devise where they live and rent a room in the same floor. They have even got weapons with suppressors in order to kill them in their sleep. It is a nonsense to link a Kurd and killing enemies in sleep.

Why would they follow the policemen when they have had no reason for revenge? These deaths have served as a reason to declare a total war against Kurds not only in Turkey but also in the Northern Iraq!

No one has cared for those 32 compassionate, young people – their deaths were meaningless!

Meanwhile, Erdogan’s man has been assigned a task of forming a new government. It was convenient that he hasn’t done it. 

Consequently, Erdogan left no change to form a government to anyone from the opposition. He didn't want to risk anything and declared premature elections on 1.10.2015. But his intentions were clear when the bombs started to explode. Since then he resumes his death crusade against the Kurds, but in order to get the blessing of a civilized world he allowed the US to use their base to fight ISIS. They were forbidding it for years. It seems that in exchange for that he got a green light to attack the Kurds! Since then, there are regular reports about imprisoning the elected Kurdish female mayors. How the government illegally strips them of their functions. In cities with Kurdish majority there is martial law and they are treated as the enemies! Not even their elected representatives can enter. Whole neighbourhoods were violently evicted. There are tens of civilian deaths on a daily basis. But isn’t this terrorism? Or would it be if a Kurd would grab a weapon and try to protect his family? He would certainly be declared as one!

No one cares that a whole nation is being punished for democratically electing their leaders? Is the whole “civilized” world apathetic to what is happening?

At least US have got their military base and Turkey will have “Kurdish terrorists” once again with its’ allies in the NATO.

Autor: Yekta Uzunoglu | sobota 3.10.2015 10:13 | karma článku: 7,18 | přečteno: 228x
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MUDr. Yekta Uzunoglu (kurdským jménem Yekta Geylanî, * 10. května 1953 Silvan, Turecko) je kurdský lékař a podnikatel s arménskými kořeny (mezi jeho předky byli turečtí Arméni, oběti Arménské genocidy na konci první světové války).[zdroj?] Mimo svých profesí se celoživotně angažuje jako kurdský aktivista (upozorňování na potlačování kurdské menšiny v Turecku, Íránu a Iráku), spisovatel a překladatel: Je například autorem překladů částí Bible a děl Karla Čapka do kurdštiny, a naopak kurdské poezie i prózy do češtiny a němčiny. V roce 2006 obdržel cenu Františka Kriegla.Od roku 1996 německé občanství.

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