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Human Ethics III

  Did really the Creator want me to meet that unbearable pain directly in the legendary Doctor Faustus’ House?


Evil is getting stronger and it is reaching dimensions exceeding horror novel’s authors imagination as much as it is impossible to imagine even for authors of new products versions, the originals of which were made by guardians in Franz Kafka’s novel. 


The honorable Professor was giving to me more and more tests to fill. I was doing it willingly, I would do anything for the sake of my little child. I asked him why I was supposed to undergo these tests if in 1995 three specialists already gave their expertise on me. He just smirked maliciously and answered that the old ones had gone to the past and tests had just temporary validity, as if with a person older than 40 his character would change every six months or so…


 So in my longing to see my little one again, to be able to play with her, to touch her, to pat her head, to talk to her I agreed to undergo those tests. And Professor, as an experienced cunning psychologist realized that immediately as he knew that the painful feeling of being separated from my sweetheart was demolishing all my existence. 


So he immediately used, or misused, all the information about my evaluation by psychologists and asked me if I could send him the experts’ analysis. As a naive Kurd I immediately did what I was asked for. However, in his meaningness he apparently wanted to see the old evaluations just in order  not to be so much different from the ones from 1995 when he wrote his own one. And not to be sued by me, first of all. I sent not only to him, but also to MUDr. Stibral all the experts’ analysis that stated that I was not suffering from any mental illness, that my personality was well and firmly structured, that I was not getting destabilized under stress so I passed all those tests with just excellent results and all of them were signed by the same MUDr Stibral.


After all the tests “performed” he told me to come again but in that time it would be also in presence of my daughter as he would like to evaluate our relation. I tried to explain to him that her mother was ignoring the order issued by Court about the shared custody so I had not been able to meet my daughter for quite a long time not seeing her at all… He apparently was not interested at this at all, he just needed to fill in gaps in his train of actions to stab me where it hurt the most… And he just got me as I fell.


I came to his office on that day and after some moment he brought my sweetheart, my little angel into the room. The light of my eyes was quite confused in the beginning, she was in a strange environment and I could not know what her mother and grandmother had told her about me. All that time they were poisoning her little innocent soul with their venom.

Anyway after a few moments she remembered me we even forgot the burden imposed on the room by Prof Vymetal that was lurking above us like heavy black cloud; we started to play, we were just frolicking around… Prof Vymetal, in that Faustus House, must have been just agonized on seeing us so happy… After some time that seemed to me passing at the speed of lightning I heard the white dressed person’s voice:  “Your time is over” We were playing together with my daughter on the floor. I just looked at the source of the voice and it was clear to me that it was the voice of a person whom I perceived  as a Mephisto in a white coat. His look as much as the expression in his eyes were piercing deep into my heart I could just feel that sharp pain… My soul, firm and compact until then was torn apart by his expression and his voice that was aiming at me in the way that tore my soul like a merciless missile. For me it was a sadistic voice and I was just defenseless not having any shield. His voice made my soul into a torn net. And my little angel? She gave him a look so bad that I could not do that even in the moment when all my heart was bleeding. Eventually she started to cry that she was not going anywhere, she would not leave her Papa… Each of her screams, each of her sad expressions she gave me was hurting me even more and from every side… From one side I was being hurt by the Mephisto in white from the other side my own child’s pain the blood of by blood, the part of my existence, of my own person….Did really the Creator want me to meet that unbearable pain directly in the legendary Doctor Faustus’ House?



Ceska verze clanku je zde : 

Autor: Yekta Uzunoglu | úterý 9.5.2017 9:29 | karma článku: 8,59 | přečteno: 100x
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MUDr. Yekta Uzunoglu (kurdským jménem Yekta Geylanî, * 10. května 1953 Silvan, Turecko) je kurdský lékař a podnikatel s arménskými kořeny (mezi jeho předky byli turečtí Arméni, oběti Arménské genocidy na konci první světové války).[zdroj?] Mimo svých profesí se celoživotně angažuje jako kurdský aktivista (upozorňování na potlačování kurdské menšiny v Turecku, Íránu a Iráku), spisovatel a překladatel: Je například autorem překladů částí Bible a děl Karla Čapka do kurdštiny, a naopak kurdské poezie i prózy do češtiny a němčiny. V roce 2006 obdržel cenu Františka Kriegla.Od roku 1996 německé občanství.

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