The Rain

Byl deštivý den a ze mě vypadlo těchto pár řádků. Jsou v angličině, snad to nikomu nebude vadit.

It’s raining

As if the sky was crying

It’s raining

And all the water is so heavy

Something is dying


Life is short, life is fast

Don’t get struggled with the past

What happened couldn’t ever last


It’s raining

The pavements are slippery

And your steps are unstable

It’s easy to stumble

Be careful

When you fall on your ass

It always hurts

Humanity is a burden

Cause when you reach the bottom

No one will bend down on his knees

To drag you out

You just have to stand up

All by your own

With broken leg or broken heart

To start all over again


When it’s raining

No one truly cares

Friends are turning into passing strangers

When it’s raining

Their faces are blank

There’s only you

And all the water

So heavy

When it‘s raining


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Autor: Veronika Bučíková | čtvrtek 31.7.2014 12:08 | karma článku: 5,21 | přečteno: 356x