Penguin and his Wife I

A fabulously formulated adventure in the life of Penguin, whose inimitable poetic style promises to entertain and instruct many a young reader. To say nothing of adults!

1. Penguin sits in an armchair and reads the Adelie Penguin Times. All is well with him.

2. Penguin´s wife calls him from the bathroom: "Come here!"

3. Penguin answers: "Why?"

4. Penguin´s wife raises her voice: "Come here!!"

5. Penguin raises his voice: "Why??"

6. Penguin´s wife raises her voice yet again: "Come here!!!"

7. So Penguin goes.

8. Penguin arrives at the bathroom and says: "What is it?"

9. Penguin´s wife points her finger at the bathtub: "What did you clean that bathtub with?"

10. Penguin doesn´t understand: "Well with that blue staff, like always."

11. Penguin´s wife says to him triumphantly: "So show me which blue stuff."

12. Penguin answers disgustedly: "Well here, with this blue crud."

13. His wife says to Penguin: "Be so kind as to read what it is."

14. Penguin reads: "Fabric conditioner... Aha..." Suddenly he breaks into laughter: "He-he-he... I was mistaken! He-he-he!"

15. Penguin´s wife isn´t laughing: "Still you are laughing! You are not listening to me at all! You never listen to me when I am telling you what to do and how to do it! You are always doing things the way you want! At least you could put things in their place after using them! But no! You are a very lazy man! And it is shattering my nerves! It is dragging me down! You- you- you- monster!" Penguin´s wife throws herself at Penguin and strikes him with her small fists.

16. This is more than Penguin will put up with.

17. Penguin drags his wife - who kicks, scratches, bites and screams - into the bedroom, where he puts her on the floor and throws the mattress from their bed on her.

18. Penguin jumps along the matress which covers his wife and  yells:  "I-will-tell-you-that-I-never-put-anything-where-it-belongs!!!"
Dear children,
Now write and tell us what probably happened to Penguin´s wife. Did Penguin behave properly?


Dr. Jenda Silhavy

Translation © Sam Triebs



Dear children,
If you really insist on writing to us, well, write to:

Dr. Jenda Silhavy                                                         
Nam. Zachariase z Hradce 51                       
588 56 Telc
or by email to:

Considering the fact that I receive an enormous number of letters from all over the world every day, please, dear children, be maximally brief and speak to the point. Maybe it would really be better if not all of you answered the questions but if, for example, only each second or third or tenth child answered.
Thank you very much for your understanding,


Dr. Jenda Silhavy

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Autor: Jenda Šilhavý | neděle 7.3.2010 8:08 | karma článku: 4,77 | přečteno: 648x
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