Jsou nekteri blogeri placeni Pentagonem?

Faktem je, ze o tomto planu v jednom uniknutem dokumentu z roku 2006 opravdu hovori. A Rumsfeld se tehdy nechal slyset o tom samem, o infiltraci "blogu, socialnich siti az po radia". Oproti obvineni z placeni KGB, zde v pripade USA mame situaci, kde o tom Rumsfeld a jini otevrene hovori jako o svem planu v informacni valce na Internetu. Mezi plany patrilo take odesilani e-mailu novinarum a mediim s tim, ze je zamaskovana adresa .mil za .com, aby se tim skryl zdroj Pentagonu. Tim je mozne docilit vyhazovu novinaru, pokud pisou nepriznive pro vladni zajmy, odesilanim fiktivnich rozlobenych nazoru verejnosti,a k podobnym vyhazovum v rade pripadu doslo.

V tomto kontextu je dobre zminit, ze je v USA zakazano sirit cernou propagandu v americkych mediich/blogach.

Ale nicemu nebrani najmout si blogery v cizich zemich, treba v Ceske republice. At uz lidi, co pisou clanky anebo ti, co diskutuji na diskuznich serverech. Stejne tak masmedia jako Ceska televize, TV Nova... dle toho obsazeneho v tomto clanku to je legalne mozne.

Military Report: Secretly 'Recruit or Hire Bloggers'
http://blog.wired.com/defense/2008/03/report-recruit.html http://cryptome.org/covert-blogs.zip
This 2006 report for the Joint Special Operations University, "Blogs and Military Information Strategy," offers a third approach -- co-opting bloggers, or even putting them on the payroll. "Hiring a block of bloggers to verbally attack a specific person or promote a specific message may be worth considering," write the report's co-authors, James Kinniburgh and Dororthy Denning.

Uryvek z toho dokumentu:

"This paper explores the possibility of incorporating blogs and blogging into military information strategy, primarily as a tool
for influence. Towards that end, we examine the value of blogs as targets of and/or platforms for military influence operations and supporting intelligence operations. Influence operations are a subset of information operations (IO) that includes the core capabilities of Psychological Operations (PSYOP) and Military Deception (MILDEC), and the related capabilities of Public Affairs (PA), Military Support to Public Diplomacy (PD) and Civil Affairs/Civil-Military Operations (CA/CMO)."

The military has downplayed this study as an "academic exercise," but its conclusions appear to match closely with a strong and growing focus by the Pentagon on what it calls "information warfare."

Underlining this interest, this past January former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld resurfaced for the first time in over a year to address a conference on "Network Centric Warfare." He complained that Islamic radicals are winning the propaganda battle against the United States and proposed a "21st-century agency for global communications" that would tell the American side of the story, using resources ranging "from blogs to online social-networking sites to talk radio."

During the question session afterward, Rumsfeld suggested again that "a new agency has to be something that would take advantage of the wonderful opportunities that exist today. There are multiple channels for information . . . The Internet is there, blogs are there, talk radio is there, e-mails are there. There are all kinds of opportunities."

“Our research goal is to provide the warfighter with a kind of information radar to better understand the information battlespace.”

“Blog entries have a different structure,” Ulicny said. “They are typically short and are about something external to the blog posting itself , such as a news event. It’s not uncommon for a blogger to simply state, ‘I can’t believe this happened,’ and then link to a news story.”

In this example, Ulicny said, there might not be much of interest in the blog posting, yet the fact that the blogger called attention to this story can be significant to understanding what matters.

US 'losing media war to al-Qaeda'


Washington and the army must respond faster to events and learn to exploit the internet and satellite TV, he said.

The US must fight back by operating a more effective, 24-hour propaganda machine, or risk a "dangerous deficiency," he said.

pro pripomenuti z roku 2002 :
Wednesday, 20 February, 2002, 18:14 GMT

As part of George Bush's war on terrorism, the military is thinking of planting propaganda and misleading stories in the international media.

A new department has been set up inside the Pentagon with the Orwellian title of the Office of Strategic Influence.

It is well funded, is being run by a general and its aim is to influence public opinion abroad
These e-mails would come from a .com return address rather than .mil to hide the Pentagon's role.

The most controversial suggestion is the covert planting of disinformation in foreign media, a process known as black propaganda.



O zalozeni tohoto Rumsfeldova uradu pro sireni propagandy jsem tehdy cetl snad v Metru, jen takovy malickaty clanecek az nekde na strane 6, clanek o 4 vetach, samozrejme tam nebyla zadna zminka, ze to tedy znamena, ze v ceskych mediich se tak muze legalne objevovat americka propaganda vcetne nepravd/dezinformci/lzi (neboli cerna propaganda)

Napada me, proc je potreba lhat, aby lide pochopili pravdu?

//omlouvam se tem, kdo neumi anglicky, ale uvedomte si, ze v takovem pripade jste zcela odkazani na ty, kteri anglicky umi, a pouze na ceska media.


Jeste jsem ted narazil na neco dalsiho k tematu duveryhodnosti nezavislosti TV a jineho zpravodajstvi a naivni predstavy, ze nejake zinscenovane zpravodajstvi vladou ve stylu Wag the dog je jen "konspiracni teorie" nemozna v realnem svete:

Exposing Government Propaganda


Congressman Miller has joined other House Democrats to introduce legislation that would help put a stop to the use of covert propaganda by the government. The lawmakers acted after a series of revelations over the last year that the Bush Administration has used taxpayer dollars to finance covert propaganda. In two instances, the Administration hired actors to pose as journalists in videos promoting its Medicare and drug control policies. The videos aired on television stations across the country, and viewers at home were never told that what they were seeing was paid for with their own tax dollars.

// V tomto smeru je i zajimave, ze jde o propagandu uvnitr USA, coz by melo byt ilegalni. Legalne mohou sirit propagandu (klidne i lzivou dezinformaci) pouze v zahranicnich mediich.

Autor: Jiří Míka | sobota 5.4.2008 21:40 | karma článku: 15,45 | přečteno: 2466x