
America is not for everyone. Quite a few Czechs came to the States in the early 1990ties and early 2000 on a Student or Work Visa.

They overstayed their Visa and have stayed hoping to get a Green Card through marriage or amnesty.

Most of these folks have returned to the Czech Republic or have gone to other Countries in Europe, ( a lot of them went to Great Britain as they can work there legally.)

There is one guy in particular that I know, who has been here in the States since 1999. The last time I spoke to him his Driver’s License has expired ( he had no means of renewing it) and he had no other legal identification.

He tried marriage but his bride to be got cold feet and did not go to the Immigration interview with him.

Every time we would meet he would complain about America and Americans. Some Americans can come across as overly patriotic or overzealous at times, but if everything here makes you so unhappy why not go back to Europe?

As it turns out I think the problem was that he was just angry that he had no means of gaining Legal Status here in the States.

I do feel sorry for the people who have are here illegally whether they are Mexican, Czech or any other nationality, by the way there some Brits, Irish and Australians ( who are illegal) but somehow they never make the news.

Another ( Czech-Slovak) family that has been here in the States longer then 10 years, returned to Europe even though their Daughter was born here and acquired Citizenship. The Father went to work in England where he has legal status.

I do understand ,if I had been in their shoes I would have returned as well. The prospect of gaining legal status here in the States if one is here illegally is very slim


Autor: Peter Zamfir | neděle 18.7.2010 18:50 | karma článku: 5,75 | přečteno: 796x
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