Barack Obama

What Barack Obama represents the most, is change in people’s thinking.

What Barack Obama represents the most, is change in people’s thinking. Afro-Americans,Indian-Americans,Mexican-Americans and others will now be inspired and think to themselves, I too can make a difference, I too can become a public elected official and perhaps initiate a change. Whether one agrees with his politics or not he is going to represent a break from the past where only white Anglo-Saxon Protestants were the only ones elected to the highest office in the land.


His recent trip to Europe confirms that he is interested in rebuilding ties with the old continent and hopefully (once he take office) it will dismiss the idea of America as the evil empire. Truth be told, Europe needs America and America needs support from Europe for its policies in Afghanistan and Iraq (where change needs to happen as America will need to scale down it’s troops and eventually start a troop withdrawal.)


The policies of Cowboy Bush have unfortunately hurt America in Europe and it’s the result of his diplomacy that America is so unpopular. Obama definitely has his work cut out for him, but I think he is the man who can repair America’s image abroad not John McCain. McCain’s presidency would represent more of the same and I believe he would not be able to rebuild the ties with Europe, as he is to close to Bush.


Let’s hope that Obama gets elected, I’m tired of people in Europe thinking of Americans as Imperialists.


Autor: Peter Zamfir | neděle 27.7.2008 16:17 | karma článku: 8,27 | přečteno: 1027x
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