Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.

J69a58r16a 40R34a89n58k

28. 10. 2014 17:27


Vcera jsem ve zdejsich novinach precetla, ze v Rumunsku prave probiha soud s nejhorsich komunistickych zlocincu, snad nebude posledni......

The Unbearable Burden of Forgetting.Lustration in Post

“For me, every trip to Romania is also a journey to another time, when I was never ... While the dictatorship is part of the past for twenty years now, the fake ... Among the large normative literature on post-communist transitional justice, ... of outcome of the torturer problem is a specious one in the Eastern European context.

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J11a50r78a 32R13a49n33k

28. 10. 2014 17:29

Bohuzel se to nedalo otevrit, tak znovu:

The Unbearable Burden of Forgetting.Lustration in Post ...

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