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Jak se to stalo, že Římskokatolická církev je tak odlišná?

HOW DID IT HAPPEN? ( bohužel zatím v angličtině) I have always asked myself the question, "How Did It Happen that the one church at Rome became so different from all the other churches in the world when every church sprang from the one church that Jesus started on the day of Pentecost ?"

Names and Dates to 600 A.D.
Junia Apostles Rome 34 (41-54) 60 A.D.
They were apostles from St. Peter's revival (Acts 2:4). Started the first church at Rome but it backslid into paganism. They were banished from Rome by Claudius but returned after his death. The first church would not receive them back so they started the second church.

Aquila Disciples Rome 34 (41-54) 60 A.D.
Started the second church at Rome with Andronicus and Junia. They worked with St. Paul in Asia from 41-53 A.D.
St. Peter Apostle Babylon 60-64 A.D.
He was at Jerusalem 34-41-44-51 A.D. He finally joined St. Mark in going as a missionary to the remaining Jews at Babylon on the Euphrates.
St. Paul Apostle Asia & Rome 34-62 A.D.
Jerusalem-Damascus. Prisoner many times for Christ. Wrote Epistles to the churches of Asia, Rome, and Greece. Started third church in Rome.
Titus Emperor Rome 70 A.D.
Took golden candlestick from the temple at Jerusalem with the altar of incense and put them in museum on River Tiber.
St. John Apostle Patmos 98 A.D.
Teacher of St. Polycarp. Took Mary, mother of Jesus, to care for. Had school for copying Scriptures in Greek. Banished to Patmos but was released to place last book of the New Testament with the other New Testament Epistles and Gospels. Only apostle who did not suffer martyrdom. Cared for Mary, mother of Jesus, as long as she lived.
Ignatius Bishop Antioch 33-107 A.D.
Clawed to death by beasts in arena at Rome.
Polycarp Bishop Smyrna 69-150 AD.
Early father of Evangelical Church. Went to Rome to try to persuade Anicetus to turn back to Apostolic Passover. Did not accomplish his purpose. He was a mighty Holy Ghost evangelist. Martyr to first Roman church and Emperor at Smyrna.
Hadrian Emperor All over 76-138 A.D.
Second destroyer of Jerusalem 132 A.D.
Anicetus Bishop Rome 151-? A.D.
Tertullian Advocate From Rome 155- 230 A.D.?
  to Carthage 207 A.D.
Became Bishop of Montanist. Prolific writer but many of' his treatises destroyed because they revealed the decay of the first church at Rome and its pagan bishops.
Irenaeus Bishop Lyons France 177-212 A.D.
A true follower of Christ and Apostles. A worker of miracles. Much hated by first Roman church bishop, Victor.
Albinus General France 197 AD. Died
An evangelical general of the troops of France. He protected the evangelical bishops from the emperors and the first Roman church bishops. He protected Irenaeus. Albinus was martyred by Emperor Septimius Severus in 197 AD. at the instigation of Victor, bishop of the first Roman church.
Septimius Severus Emperor Rome 193-211 A.D.
In his time as emperor, we find the history of the first Roman church and the emperor. 202-208 A.D. proscribed in this time. Irenaeus was martyred 202 A.D. also the father of Origen in Alexandria. But this time in history is blank.
Origen Theologian Alexandria 185-2654 A.D.
Mighty man of God. Wrote treatise exposing corruption in the first Roman church. Wrote mighty refutation of bishop of Rome claims of power to forgive sin.
Victor Bishop Rome 89-198 A.D.
Bishop to backslidden first church at Rome. Tried to excommunicate Asiatic Metropolitan Polycrates who refused to accept and follow the pagan feast of Astarte (Easter).
Zephyrinus Bishop Rome 198-217 A.D.
Slothful bishop proceeding Callistus Took bribes and forgave sin but exacted a reward for so doing. He had images and sun worship and moon goddess worship.
Sabellius Theologian Rome 198-222 A.D.
True disciple of Christ. Africa to Rome. Was put out of the first Roman church because he taught the true gospel. Had great following in and around Rome from then on.
Hippolytus Bishop Rome 207-235 A.D.
True Christian-Greek scholar. Wrote biography of the wicked pagan bishop Callistus of Rome.
Callistus Bishop Rome 177-222 A.D.
A renegade slave and ex-convict. Used by Victor to tear down evangelical bishops. Aid to Victor and Emperor Septimius Severus.
Pontian Bishop Rome 230-235 A.D.
Bishop of first Roman church. Exiled with Hippolytus by Alexander Severus.
Fabian Arch Bishop, Rome 236-250 A.D.
Evangelical. Consecrated Novatianus.
Novatianus Arch Bishop Rome 250-270 A.D.
Consecrated by Fabian an evangelical. Called 'Heretic' by first Roman church.
Cornelius Bishop Rome 251-253 A.D.
Bishop of Rome same time as Novatianus. Placed in line of Popes.
Eusebius Historian Caesarea 260-340 A.D.
Bishop of Caesarea and Constantine's spiritual adviser. Baptized Constantine.
Aurelian Emperor  Rome 270-275 A.D.
Took Antioch church from Paul of Samosata (an evangelical) and gave it to the first Roman church.
Paul of Samosata Bishop Antioch 260-272 A.D.
Banished. Bishop Paul of Samosata put first Roman bishop in his place.
Constantine Emperor Constantinople 286-337 A. D.
Good emperor. Council of Nicaea. Arian Evangelical
Damasus First Pope  Rome 304-384 A.D.
First Pope of first Roman church. 126 Christians slain in the bloody contest for the "Chair of St. Peter." Sanctioned by Valentinian I.
Melchiades Bishop Africa to Rome 310-314 A.D.
Thrust into Palace Church (Lateran) at Rome by Emperor Constantine.
Arius  Alexandria 275-336 A.D. ?
Defamed by Roman Church. "Misrepresented" (Fragm, in Mansi, XIII, 316. Eusebius to Bishop Alexandria.)
Donatus Bishop Africa 311-375 A.D.
Evangelical. Augustine disliked Donatists.
Frumentius  Ethiopia  307-380 A.D.
Translated Scriptures for Ethiopia. No Roman connections.
St. Martin Bishop  Tours France 315-400 A.D.
A genuine Holy Ghost Bishop and Apostle. Started Bible School at Marmoutier-les-Tours. Resisted bad first Roman church policy.
Ambrose  Milan 340-397 A.D.
A genuine Holy Ghost Bishop anti Apostle of Milan, North Italy. Resisted bad first Roman church policy.
Theodosius Emperor Rome 346-395 A.D.
Caught in Damasus net. Rebuked by Ambrose. Reclaimed by Ambrose for pure evangelical Christianity.
Gratian Emperor Rome 359-383 A.D.
Son of Valentinian I. Good Christian emperor taken off the throne by Damasus, Pope of Rome and Maximus, Emperor cats paw for Damasus.
Sulpicius Severus   France 360-410 A.D.
Christian lawyer. Secretary of Bishop Martin of Tours. Wrote a 'Best Seller' The Life of St. Martin. Martin's healing and miracles infuriated clerics of Rome.
Julian Emperor Rome 361-363 A.D.
Apostate. Thought Paganism better than the sham practices of the first Roman church.
Valentinian I Emperor Rome 364-375 A.D.
Father of Gratian. Said Bishops could not take patrimony of widows. Recognized Damasus as Bishop of the first Roman church.
Priscillin Bishop Spain 359 -385 A.D.
Burned at the stake (Spain). He was Holy Ghost Evangelical Bishop who refused pagan worship of first Roman church. Ambrose and Martin pled for his life but lost.
Pelagius British Evangelical missionaries
Coelestius Irish to Rome 360-420 A.D.
Pelagius attended St. Martin's school. Two western (British) missionaries to Rome and Africa. 'Pelagians" were sympathizers with Evangelists. They were hated by popes and also by Jerome and Orosius.
Julian Evang. Bishop Apamea  360-420 A.D.
Jerome  Bethlehem  340-420 A.D.
Once knew the Lord but got caught in the first Roman church net. Translated Bible. Disliked Vigilantius who ridiculed false worship that came out of Rome (relics, images).
Rufinus Translator Jerusalem 345-410 A.D.
Old friend of Jerome but later rejected by Jerome because he would not condemn Origen (then dead) and his writings and translations.
St. Augustine Africa 354-430 A.D.
Got only a half close of religion under good Ambrose. "Predestination" his folly. Recanted many false teachings in his last days.
Marcella  Rome 370-410
A Pammacius was a senator who got Valentinian I to proclaim Damasus Pope. Marcella was an aged widow. Friend of Jerome.
Orosius Sp. Latin Hist.  390-430 A.D.
St. Patrick Arch Bishop Ireland 372-461 A.D.
Evangelical Protestant missionary. Nephew of St. Martin and graduate of Martin's school. Was means of converting all Ireland to Christ before he died.
Maximus Emperor Rome 383-388 A.D.
The "cat's paw" of Pope Damascus. An Usurper. Killed Gratian and Priscillin and seven Spanish evangelical bishops.
Theodoret Theologian  Antioch 390-475 A.D.
Famous theologian. Wrote Ecclesiastical History. and one of the "three Chapters" that revealed first Roman church false claims to supremacy through St. Peter.
Arcadius Emperor Rome 395-408 A.D.
Honorius Emperor  Rome 395-423 A.D.
Two "cats paws" for first Roman church. Banished those caught with Origen's works that Rufinus translated from Greek to Latin.
Leo I Pope  Rome  461 A.D.
Called "The Great" because he connived to pull much prestige the first Roman church. Valentinian III we; his "cats paw" and his church c claimed appellate court for world of churches.
Justinian Emperor Rome 483-565 A.D.
Married a harlot Theodora who "wore the pants." This team was caught by nuncios from first Roman church went "gunning" for true history "The Chapters."
Columba Bishop Ireland 421-597 A.D.
A true apostle of Christ. Signs and miracles followed his ministry. Founded Evangelical Christian colony on island of lone. His school was best after sack of Rome.
Gregory I The Great Pope Rome 590-604 A.D.
A great politician. Life work planned at Council of Toledo. Sent mission to Britain to condemn Protestants and churches. Proscribed "Three Chapters". Tried to subject Istra to his Roman church.
Augustine   590-604 A.D.
Roman Catholic Apostle to England. sent by Pope Gregory I to subdue that island. Created 1st Arch Bishop of Canterbury by Pope of Rome.
Mohammed  Mecca 576-652 A.D.
Sought for any religion that actually practiced what they preached. Roman church worshipped images. Had pagan festivals and sun worship and moon goddess worship. So Mohammed created his own religion.


Autor: Lubomír Vít | pátek 11.5.2012 15:51 | karma článku: 4,33 | přečteno: 355x
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Lubomír Vít


Jelikož Paní Palkova nedala pod svůj poslední článek povolení k diskuzi, a je tam zmíněno mé jméno,velice rád bych k tomu něco dodal. Podle její odpovědí si můžete udělat,svůj úsudek. Nevím proč ji na blogu vadí články křesťanů?

15.7.2018 v 12:40 | Karma: 16,50 | Přečteno: 721x | Diskuse| Hyde park

Lubomír Vít

Kdo jest ten, co řekl Mojžíšovi, jsem kterýž jsem?

I řekl Mojžíš Bohu: Aj, já půjdu k synům Izraelským a dím jim: Bůh otců vašich poslal mne k vám. Řeknou-li mi: Které jest jméno jeho? co jim odpovím?

8.7.2018 v 14:31 | Karma: 11,96 | Přečteno: 489x | Diskuse| Ostatní

Lubomír Vít

Odpověď blogérům, kteří hledají v Bibli podvody a rozpory.

Pokud je Bible podvod, tak tím pádem veškerá dizkuse ztrátí účel. Já osobně věřím absolutní inspiraci Svatého Písma, které se samo o sobě prokazuje absolutním souladem Starého Nového Zákona,a vyplněných proroctví.

1.7.2018 v 16:37 | Karma: 20,60 | Přečteno: 998x | Diskuse| Ostatní

Lubomír Vít

Velikonoce, nejnesmyslnější křesťanský svátek???

Bože můj, Bože můj, pročež jsi mne opustil? Vzdálils se od spasení mého a od slov naříkání mého." Žalm 22:2.

29.3.2018 v 17:33 | Karma: 18,42 | Přečteno: 894x | Ostatní

Lubomír Vít

Jak stará je naše země?

V Bibli nikde nenajdete stáří země. Je mnoho všelijakých spekulací, a výpočtů ale Bible v tomto směru je velice jasná,a není potřeba stále vypočítavat její stáří.

22.1.2018 v 15:30 | Karma: 15,76 | Přečteno: 748x | Diskuse| Pardubice
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