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Kurdish Referendum

  We Kurds will never leave our path of democracy. On September 25 we are going to decide about our future in Iraqi part of Kurdistan with dignity and democratically.

Referendum comes from a latin word "referendus" and it means "the matter about which those who are involved should decide and will decide". In Czech there is an appropriate synonym of "public vote" i.e. all people should decide about what to do in key moments of their lives and not some ruler or office. Referendum is the most treasured instrument of democracy giving people the right to decide on themselves.

Kurdish Referendum;

Kurds are an exception in the region full of governments practicing dictatorship as they are one of very few democratic nations. Consequently they are taking that democratic approach of deciding on their own future and about their future in Iraq.

Kurds and their leader in Iraq could just ignore a "useless" referendum and just announce their independence on Iraq. They have enough resources and military strength and in a region where totalitarian regimes rule it would not be such a rare act.

Since 2014 Kurds have been fighting the ISIS beasts with just their bare hands. Kurds who are fighting not only for their own future but for the future of all our civilization have been in the spotlight of the world and leading politicians. There are quite many leading European and American politicians who, in order to make themselves more visible, have visited Kurds in Iraq and  Syria.

Among others let's just mention UNO and UNHCR officials or German Defense Minister who was coming to Kurdistan as if visiting her family members. All of them were as generously and warmly as just Kurds know to treat their guests with such an opened heart as European politicians had not experienced for generations.

All of them, without exceptions, e.g. Czech Foreign Minister Lubomir Zaoralek who also visited Iraqi Kurdistan, highly appreciated Kurds for being so brave fighting ISIS and expressed openly their solidarity with Kurds in any imaginable way. During all that cruel war every door of every President's, Prime Minister's or any other high politician's office remained opened for them, including Czech President Milos Zeman.

Kurds eventually defeated beasts from ISIS despite of not receiving any effective help from the civilized world countries. Now they want decide about their own future using a referendum as the only appropriate democratic way of doing it.

And suddenly everybody have turned silent.

There is not even a sign of those nearly ostentatious proclamations of solidarity by European or American politicians who were calling for solidarity with Kurds some time ago! Since the proclamation of the referendum Kurdistan has not been the favored destination of European or world politicians any more! Why? Because of the referendum! Despite the fact that both Europe and North America have democratic regimes and the REFERENDUM has been one of the keystones of democracy, hasn't it? Does it mean that Kurds would not be allowed to apply one of the foundation stones of democracy?

Kurds are constantly calling upon UNO for sending their observer but there is no response.

The President of Kurdistan went to European Parliament in Brussels asking for sending their observers  to Kurdistan in order to ensure the correctness of the referendum  but he got no response.

So many of pseudo democratic rulers in the world were making obstacles to observers' work in cases of elections or referendums, blocking the process of democratic elections. Kurds on the contrary have asked themselves for for an international supervision and still their pledge remains without response!

Does it mean that a part of a 40million nation would be neglected a right to democratically- through a referendum- decide upon their own future? Is this Europe's and North America's point of view? Well, then it would be no wonder if millions of the not chosen ones one day conquer the continent of the chosen ones.

Despite of all those facts, despite their bitter experience with European approach to democracy on 25 September 2017 Kurds will go to vote in their referendum. They will add their experience with those who just some weeks before had sang songs about their courage and patted their backs to a list of their experience with others. Not a bit more, not a bit less. Just saying.

Kurds are not going to renounce their democratic approach to their referendum because of being betrayed by "democratic countries", they are not going to renounce democracy as a principle!

On September 25 we are going to decide about our future in Iraqi part of Kurdistan with dignity and democratically.


Ceska verze clanku je zde :

Autor: Yekta Uzunoglu | sobota 26.8.2017 8:58 | karma článku: 10,37 | přečteno: 261x
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MUDr. Yekta Uzunoglu (kurdským jménem Yekta Geylanî, * 10. května 1953 Silvan, Turecko) je kurdský lékař a podnikatel s arménskými kořeny (mezi jeho předky byli turečtí Arméni, oběti Arménské genocidy na konci první světové války).[zdroj?] Mimo svých profesí se celoživotně angažuje jako kurdský aktivista (upozorňování na potlačování kurdské menšiny v Turecku, Íránu a Iráku), spisovatel a překladatel: Je například autorem překladů částí Bible a děl Karla Čapka do kurdštiny, a naopak kurdské poezie i prózy do češtiny a němčiny. V roce 2006 obdržel cenu Františka Kriegla.Od roku 1996 německé občanství.

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