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Situation in Hungary: EU Values in Doubt.

Regarding the new round of witnessed investigations since last year on the situation in Hungary, this Wednesday sees a vote in the Parliament on the motions for resolution.

The situation in Hungary is a great and urgent concern. Restricted journalistic freedom, increasing level of racism, a disabling environment for NGOs are to name just a few of the problems which are present under PM Viktor Orbán, according reports from OSCE, COE Commissioner Nils Muižnieks and others. Such situation contradicts with the EU’s voice of approach to the world, not to say when it comes to one of the EU Member States. Adding to the seriousness of the situation are the maliciously rhetorical public consultation PM Orbán launched in May, and Orbán’s repetitive suggestions of putting back the question of death penalty on the agenda in Hungary.

A public consultation on the issue of migration was sent out to 8 million citizens over 18 in Hungary in early May with a returning deadline on 1st July. I perceive it is clear to say that the questionnaire bear a biased nature by insinuating all asylum seekers to be economic migrants and by going further to suggest a connection between migrants and security threats. Trying to link asylum seekers with terrorism is by no way acceptable, while letting Hungarian citizens to choose either to  support their own children or to support migrants simply does not make any sense. In regard to the hatred rhetorical nature of this survey, the accountability of the results collected should be suspected. Despite any stand on the quota system, of which Orbán described in the plenary last month as “crazy”, I find such survey very misleading, unsurprisingly towards the voice on migration of the Fidesz Party. I therefore insist that any kind of move that tries to mislead for the utilization of public opinion for political control is unbearable, and dangerous indeed.

Hungary abolished capital punishment in 1990, responding to the ECHR 1990 Protocol No.6 and later adopting the ICCPR Second Optional Protocol, which reinforced that the presence of death penalty hinders the enhancement of human dignity and human rights. Orbán has been continuously addressing his will of a debate in Hungary on such issue in 2002, on 28 April 2015 and 1st May 2015. Bearing efforts blurring the line between the Hungarian government and the Fidesz party, which are reported by OSCE, and Orbán’s move on directing public opinion on the issue of immigration, I am convinced that the effect of the debate, if initiated, would be damaging. The EU is built on the fundamental values shared by all Member States, among them the respect for human rights and for human dignity, whereas no one shall be condemned to the death penalty, or executed. Such values must be respected and be non-negotiable.

When it comes to domestic support and control, the intention of Orbán is yet dubious for me. As a member of Fidesz, which is a member party of the EPP, Orbán is undoubtedly leaning towards the right, at least on topics addressed above of death penalty and immigration, of which a similar stand is seen in Jobbik, the far right wing party in Hungary that is becoming more of a challenge to Fidesz. Despite all approaches and incidents undergoing, I strongly believe and insist that we must ensure that democracy and the rule of law are firmly implemented as the base of all governments not only in Hungary, but also in all EU States. Practically, promoted freedom of opinions, a separation between party and State, and fair and genuine government statements must be made certain.

With the core EU values in doubts, we therefore propose in the Draft on the situation in Hungary that we want:

  • to condemn Orbán’s repetitive suggestions of initiating a debate on death penalty, which is contradictory to the EU values.
  • an immediate repeal of the current consultation process on migration in Hungary, so that public opinions would not be misled.
  • the Council to adopt conclusions on the situation in Hungary in next meeting.
  • a legislative proposal for establishing a future scoreboard, which would assess annually the EU States to make sure that values stated in Article 2 TEU are complied.
  • the Commission to present a report on the situation in Hungary before September, 2015.

As voices in the Parliament are united on the firm compliance with the EU values and fundamental rights, we look to the approval of a solid motion of resolution for Hungary, a great country, under Orbán to be robustly back on European track.

Autor: Miroslav Poche | úterý 9.6.2015 11:28 | karma článku: 9,93 | přečteno: 738x
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Jsem poslancem Evropského parlamentu, v minulosti jsem působil v rámci Zastupitelstva hlavního města Prahy a zastupitelstva třetí městské části. Vystudoval jsem Provozně ekonomickou fakultu ČZÚ a Fakultu sociálních věd UK. Zastupoval jsem organizaci OSCE na misích v Bosně a Hercegovině a v Kosovu, na ministerstvu zahraničí zaštiťoval komunikaci s komisí OSN pro lidská práva a na ministerstvu zemědělství vyjednával o liberalizaci obchodu v rámci EU a CEFTA. Soukromě jsem podnikal v oblasti cestovního ruchu.