Bilderberg business going down.
I am really enjoying how this group is trying to safe themself. They already lost everything so they try to create feelings their speaches in last 10 years were different than what we all were hearing and seeing on TV screanes so often.
We all already know who were people from Bilderberg group. What is really funny is to read how they speak about Marxism and they put it, sorry try to put it to the same bag. But guys there were only one group which was calling devil out from the underworld by puting healthy transformation 5 pointed star of the woman backwards. And this was your group, so enjoy bumerang now.
Just quick points from easy summary/analysis
- You compare and comment philosophical movements of last cencury, so
- Marxism was faithing strongly against nacism, so deffinitely you can not tell this is the same!
- Marxism was in Russia developer to Leninism, again not the same
- There were significant faith between two philosophical movements in Russia, described well in Boris Pasternac books. If you would study them, you could not tell those noncences ( I got the best having this as maturity exam question. My mother was showing me this story well )
- You can not anything against Mr. Putin in this area, because literature and history people in Russia can freely study and there is no push in explanation to them. On the other hand there is clear tryal to manipulate people oppinion from Mr. Obama, Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Schwanrcenberg and other members of Biderberg
- You don´t hesitate to use even Legacy of great basketball players for your manipulation. In Czech we say .. Ble Ble Ble.
- Paradox now: You talk again Marxism which was giving to people strake right and than thanks to that came Czech and Eastern Europe velvet revolution which give you back your property? I don´t understand now. For sure our state will allow you to give it back if you want. Our goverment is great in economy now, YES GIVE IT BACK Mr Schwarzenberg, and others Also houses in Prague, give them back to state, flats of adult people, give them back and free small enterprenuers and common people from market manipulation. We will not be against.
Should I continue guys? I don´t feel it is needed, We already had enough. Go to your chousen bumerang hel. We already saw a heaven and we go for it. You try to manipulate and scare people here by enemies from other parts of the world. But my experience from facebook.
There are abusers and not polite guys only from Europe, all friend I have between black or asian world are great and polite, they know how to behave to woman, compare to the world here where for the first look guy offers me to go for sex with more than one guy. Bleee again. This is not polite and by Jesus or Buddha approved behaviour at all. Go to hell with this, I don´t want this. I like flowes and nature, not gruppen sex or swingers party. I am happy with my work, yoga and languages I am learning. I don´t need even your TV, social networking is enough to have great knowledge about the world situation and picture.
Enjoy bumerang guys from bilderberg. #namaste
Lenka Fučíková
Papež a žena
Děkujeme za Vaši návštěvu. Byl jste tak blízko, že energie doplula až k nám. Snad příště budeme moci být i blíž. Věřím, že jednou vy pomůžete znovu pozvednout Palladium tam, kam patří. Do srdcí lidí této země. Tolik tam chybí.
Lenka Fučíková
Bůh Šiva, stvořitel a objednaTEL aneb Jazyk Český
O některých se jen šeptá, ale je nepochybné, že právě v tomto bodě se HISTORIE opakuje a že se propojilo něco, s čím možná nikdo nepočítal. VĚDA a Filosofie. Je pro mne fascinující, že je to právě Čeština, o kterou kráčí.
Lenka Fučíková
MODA a prastaré historické souvztažnosti
Vyhozeni z ráje. Podle Buddhova učení to byl HAD, který sám, jako BŮH pokoušel lidstvo, aby ho tak vedl vpřed přes celá pokolení a učil ho, jsk žít.
Lenka Fučíková
A E I O U I lidského těla. Naše KŮŽE
Kůže jako hladina zázraků. Řeč těla jako komplexní a nenávratná moudrost jazyka. Je ta naše hroší nebo citlivá se známkami alergie?!
Lenka Fučíková
Móda a její svět¦
Móda a ŽENA. Svět, který patří k sobě neodmyslitelně stejně jako Český Jazyk a Vyjmenovaná slova po B.
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