Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.

J38a63r75a 82R16a47n13k

29. 8. 2014 18:28

Ruske matky jiz zacinaji protestovat......

Russian "Gold Star Mothers" Protest Sons Buried In Secret ...

11 hours ago - Russian "Gold Star Mothers" Protest Sons Buried In Secret War ... Here are some "known knowns" about Russians and Ukraine. .... It's now undeniable that Russia is openly invading eastern Ukraine with thousands of troops ...

Ukraine crisis - The Washington Post

What does Russia tell the mothers of soldiers killed in Ukraine? Not much. Russia's ... NATO must stand up to Putin's threat to invade Ukraine. The alliance's ...

Putin hails Ukraine separatists; Kiev raises prospect of ...

1 hour ago - Russia's president likens the Ukrainian army to Nazi invaders of the ... help in repelling what it calls an outright Russian military invasion of its territory ... Shellings and protests continue in Ukraine as the military conflict ... An advocacy group called Soldiers' Mothers has been pressing Russian authorities for ...

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