Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.

J41a70r12a 43R11a92n40k

30. 8. 2016 21:15

Tak nevim, ale zdejsi Natives by Vam urcite odpovedeli, ze mate sice dobre sny, ale jsou to stale jen sny, oni to zazivaji a na ruznych ostrovech v Tichomori take:-/

Is sea level rising? - NOAA's National Ocean Service › Ocean Facts

There is strong evidence that global sea level is now rising at an increased rate ... sea-level rise are thermal expansion caused by the warming of the oceans ...

Increased Ocean Acidity | A Student's Guide to Global Climate Change ...

Mar 3, 2016 - Oceans play an important role in keeping the Earth's carbon cycle in ... the amount of carbon dioxide dissolved in the ocean has increased all ...

Why is there a water level difference between Atlantic ocean and ...

As explained on the other thread you linked, the issue is not just that the oceans are located in ... as the water of the Atlantic is more salty (and denser) than the water of the Pacific, the level of the Pacific water is slightly higher to maintain the ...

Ocean salinity | Sciencelearn Hub

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Karma. Vyhlášení války Globálnímu oteplování dalo vzniknout novému náboženství.Rv

Ti, kteří GO přijali, hledají cesty, jak toho využít ku prospěchu lidstva:-)

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